Clinic Team Meeting—the veteran clinicians met for an end of season wrap up meeting. The clinic remains open for the public but will only be staffed one day a week. If you would like to hone your diagnostic skills please contact Jeff Dodson. Read Digger Spade articles published monthly in this newsletter and stop into clinic during the winter and spend time with the FREE resources and new clinic computer to solve your plant mysteries.
Hovander Team Meeting—an end of season meeting on October 28th was attended by 12 MGs. We discussed the successful season and changes and improvements for the 2016 growing season. Items covered included developing and funding uniform signage, soil/compost purchases, workshops and events, fundraising, and soil testing for improved demo garden management.
Hovander GPS Mapping – Chris Benedict and Beth have started mapping each of the garden beds at Hovander. The map will become a tool for all the volunteers who work at Hovander. In the coming months we will share the map. In late February we will visit Hovander with the new MG class and teach soil science. All MGs are welcome to attend.
2016 MG Basic Training Course – still accepting applications for the 2016 MG basic Training course
The 12 week course runs Feb 6th –April 22nd. Details at our website.
Scholarships available upon request
MG End of Year Housekeeping – If you just completed the MG training in 2015 you are not required to do Continuing Education in the first year.
Continuing Education – Check out the new page on our website
Continuing Education Page 2016 Whatcom Advanced Training Planning. Do you have ideas and energy to share? Consider joining the planning team for the annual advanced training. Each year Whatcom hosts a large full day conference I am looking for a dedicated team of 4 people who enjoy planning events. From the guest speakers, programs, venue, food, raffles, etc. Monthly planning meetings will start in March 2016.
Report Volunteer Hours
Please remember to report volunteer hours. For a refresher on how to document your valuable hours, visit the website page:
“Links for Master Gardeners.” will take you straight to the state database site.
Whatcom County Master Gardener Reapplication Form
To maintain certification, Master Gardeners need to complete 25 hours of volunteering annually and 10 hours of continuing education.
Community Garden News
Kendall Community Garden Summer 2015
The WSUE Community First Garden Project (CFG) is growing. This Project is funded locally by the Mary Redman Foundation. CFG provides, workshops, garden tours, surplus produce, sharing tools, knowledge, space and giving back to those in need. Creating safe and beautiful green spaces for all to enjoy.
Two upcoming events Committee Meeting Dec 8th 1:30 pm at WSUE offices, contact Beth for more info. Community Garden Openhouse/ Panel Discussion January 2016 date TBA