2016 MG Class Graduation & Annual Awards Dinner
Meridian High School Commons
Dinner 6-7pm, Program 7-8pm
Celebrate the new class, enjoy presentation of projects, awards.
Family & Friends welcome!
NOV 10
WSU Whatcom County Master Gardener Foundation Monthly Meeting
Presentation: Tom Thornton from Cloud Mountain Farm
Thursday, 7-9 pm • WSU Extension Office, 1000 N. Forest St Ste 201, Bellingham
Free & Open to the Public
Tom Thornton of Cloud Mountain Farm will share information on new fruit cultivars, as well as what’s new at Cloud Mountain.
NOV 30, DEC 1 & 2
Washington Small Fruit Conference & Lynden Ag Show
NW Washington Fairgrounds
Volunteers Needed for Toward Zero Waste preparation and monitoring.
PLANT ID Study Group
Wednesday, December 7 • 9am -11am •
Community Food Co-Op, 315 Westerly Rd, Bellingham
"Roots" Meeting Room
*Please note that THERE IS NO NOVEMBER MEETING due to Thanksgiving. And also note the next meeting date is a WEDNESDAY in early December. Holidays interfered with our usual dates.
You may bring samples of flowers and trees (branch with leaves) or just come and participate to keep your native and non-native plant identification skills strong. Useful for MG Clinic or impressing friends! If possible, bring a hand lens and a plant identification book, like Plants of the Pacific Northwest Coast by Pojar & MacKinnon or a general book like Sunset.
Refreshments are available in the store deli. Free Wi-Fi / Internet. These sessions are accepted as educational hours for Master Gardeners. New MG graduates, public, friends, and relatives are all welcome!
If questions, contact Karen Gilliam, (360) 383-4562,, or Louise Granger, (360) 739-2468,
DEC 15
Holiday Centerpiece Workshop
Thursday, 7-9 pm • WSU Extension Center Conference Room, 1000 N. Forest St Ste 201, Bellingham
There will be a long-awaited workshop led by our award-winning Master Gardener and floral expert, Judy Boxx, to make stunning Holiday Centerpieces. Join us for fun and walk away with a centerpiece you’ll treasure for years.
Cost: $1.00 for foam blocks and trays
Bring: greenery, candles, ornaments, wire, ribbon—for yourself and extras to share. You’ll need to bring a shallow bowl or container, as well, in which you’ll create your centerpiece. And just for kicks, if you have any holiday cookies hanging around, bring them, too!
Foundation Events