Linda Burshia Battle

The October Advanced Training was a very well attended, expertly organized event with informative speakers and excellent food. Beth and her team did an amazing job and all deserve accolades. Thanks to each and everyone who helped with this educational and fun event. The raffle was a great success and brought in over $400 for the Al McHenry scholarship fund.

November is an exciting month with the graduation of the class of 2016 Master Gardeners on November 3rd at the Meridian Senior High School. This is an accommodating venue and is usually well attended.  A pretty spectacular  potluck can also be expected. It's that time of the year to recognize not only all of the new graduates but also those exceptional master gardeners from previous years. In addition to the awards, the slate of officers for 2017 will be presented. Special thanks to all those who agreed to serve on the foundation board. Harriet Arkley, President, Kay Fast, 1st VP, Barb Schickler and Kathleen Bander, 2nd VP, Kathy Barrett, Secretary, Marilyn Glenn, Treasurer and Members at Large, Mill Shires and Barbara King.

The second Thursday of November, the 10th, is the general meeting at 7 pm.  The slate of officers will be voted on during the business meeting. We have a great speaker lined up for that night,  Tom Thornton of Cloud Mountain.  We are looking forward to a well attended evening. Hope to see you there.

I think this is a sweet little quote for November, "I like spring, but it is too young.  I like summer but it is too proud.  So I like best of all autumn, because it's tone is mellower, it's colors are richer, and it is tinged with a little sorrow. It's golden richness speaks not of the  innocence of spring, nor the power of summer, but of the mellowness and kindly wisdom of approaching age.  It knows the limitations of life and it's content."  Lin Yutang

 Whatcom County MG Foundation
        2017 Slate of Officers

Harriet Arkley

First VP
Kay Fast

Second VP      
Kathleen Bander
Barb Schickler 

Kathy Barrett

Marilyn Glenn

State Rep   
Sandy Keathly

Members At Large      
Barbara King
Mill Shires