Linda Burshia Battle

The Pacific Northwest is a beautiful place to live and garden. January is an amazing month in this area. Moving from sub zero Montana in early January a few years ago, I was surprised by green lawns, shrubs and trees. The blooming flowers and the emerging bulbs and tree buds were nothing short of astonishing. I continue to be amazed at the early spring in this climate. I am most thankful to be a transplant here. Thanks to the Master Gardener program, I continue to learn and grow.
The new class of Master Gardeners is on board and ready to start classes in February. The program is such a valuable asset not only to the individuals taking the class but to our community. All the knowledge gained translates into volunteer hours and opportunities. It's a great cycle.
In this New Year, I would encourage the Whatcom County Master Gardeners to take on a new project or responsibility. You will not only grow but so will our programs. Beth has a pretty full plate, and at times it seems to be overflowing. A committee is needed to help with scheduling speakers to fill local requests. Another committee is needed to work on our membership directory. The signage at Hovander needs to be uniform and include all the gardens. If you are interested in helping with any of these important tasks please contact a board member or Beth.
Best wishes for a great new year.
"And what is a weed? A plant whose virtues have not yet been discovered." -Ralph Waldo Emerson
Linda Burshia Battle