Volunteer Opportunities

Note: The MCR logo denotes volunteer opportunities for Master Gardeners AND Master Composters

WSU Extension Events
Sustainable Living Festival
June 25 • Sustainable Connections
Compost education demonstration
Contact Amber Kelley: akelley@wsu.edu
***Volunteers Needed***   

NW WA Fair 
August 15-20 • Lynden Fairgrounds
Need a team of 4 people to create a theme for this years educational booth at the fair.
Planning Starts in late May.
***Volunteers Needed***

Weekly Drop-In Opportunities

Gardening with Youth

Meridian Middle School
Tuesdays • 2:45-4:45pm • Meridian Middle School (MMS)- 861 Ten Mile Rd. 
Work with middle school students in the garden after school. 
Contact: Beth Chisholm or Phyllis Berquist, MMS staff: pbergqui@meridian.wednet.edu

Fairhaven Middle School
Wednesdays 3-4:30 pm • Fairhaven Middle School (FMS)
Work with middle school students; teaching, planting, harvesting, composting.

Blaine School/ Community Garden 
Children’s garden —Boys & Girls Club
Contact master gardener Ayn Balback for details: enchaynting@hotmail.com 

Northwest Youth Services WE GROW Vocational Garden 
Mondays • 1-5pm • NWYS Garden, 1020 N State St, Bellingham, WA 98225 
Volunteer with other MGs in this large urban garden, work with at risk teens. Contact Kali Crow Liester for more details: kcrowliester@gmail.com 

Community Gardens and Demonstration Gardens

Hovander Demonstration Garden
Wednesdays, 9am-noon • Hovander Homestead Park in Ferndale
Lend a hand, gain skills in weed ID, composting, and gardening with vegetables, flowers, and herbs.
***Volunteers Needed at the Compost Demonstration Site***

Roeder Home
Tuesdays,1-4pm  2600 Sunset Dr. Bellingham
Master Gardeners volunteer weekly at this historic home. Drop in or contact Shelly Fishwild for more info.

Francis Place Garden
Tuesdays, 4-6pm • Francis Place Housing 1122 Cornwall Ave, Bellingham, WA 98225
Rooftop vegetable gardening for the residents at Francis Place. Mentor, teach, grow food, harvest, prepare. Contact Beth Chisholm and/or Malora Christensen, MSW, Catholic Community Services, Housing Services Manager: (360)393-7745

Ferndale HS Shift Foods program Ferndale Food Bank, Ferndale Friendship Garden (FFG)
Contact: Suzanne Nevan, Ferndale Foodbank Director: director@ferndalefoodbank.org 
Shift Program: http://shiftfoods.org/journal/2016/4/23/april-update-hoop-house-in-pre-production
Gloria Perez, MG vol and lead at FFG

Sterling Paz Community Garden
Saturdays, 9am-noon • 558 Sterling Dr, Bellingham, WA 98226
Work parties are scheduled bi-monthly. Dates TBA. Garden, maintain the compost demo area, compost kitchen scraps in the worm bin, aprende hablar español, and weed to your heart's content!

Monthly Opportunities
Diagnostic Plant Clinic
WSU Extension Office
Schedule a shift throughout the week: 

Farmers Market Booth
One Saturday a month in June, July, Aug, Sept

Writing & Photography for The Weeder's Digest
See submission guidelines here (http://mgwhatcom.blogspot.com/p/submit-article.html)