President's Message

Linda Burshia Battle, MG Foundation President

Kind hearts are the gardens,
Kind thoughts are the roots,
Kind words are the flowers,
Kind deeds are the fruits.
Take care of your garden
And keep out the weeds
Fill it with sunshine, kind words and kind deeds.
-Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

More thanks to all the hard working and dedicated Whatcom County Master Gardeners.  Summer is almost upon us and the weeds have yet to give anyone a break. The upside is that this spring has had some pretty spectacular buds, blossoms and flowers. The color palette has been dazzling. I do so love the Pacific Northwest climate and the temperate zones. My less fortunate  family in Montana are excited about the lilacs blooming and have just started planting their gardens!!!

Hovander is a beautiful retreat for the community, thanks to all the dedicated Master Gardeners. The Roeder home is a beautiful historic, urban retreat, thanks to the Roeder team that works tirelessly almost year round. The community gardens, the Farmers market, the classes and workshops that are offered to the community all utilize our Master Gardeners' expertise. You all make our community better.

The class of 2016 has finished class work and have been out in the field volunteering. Thanks to all of you. The Whatcom County Master Gardener Foundation Board is still looking for a 2016 graduate to serve on the board as a member at large. If you are interested in this position please contact myself or any board member.  We need your input!

I'm recovering from a total knee replacement so have been "out of the loop". I'm anxious to start getting back into the gardens and see you all of you lovely gardeners. Thanks to those on the board who have kept things running smoothly. 

Keep the August 11th picnic at Hovander on your calendar. Always great food and great people.  It's not to be missed.

Thanks to Barb Schicker and Kathleen Bander for all the great bus trips and garden viewings. Check them out. Sign up. They are always informational and fun.

Linda Battle